Dhanyamol Antony
Research Scholar
Computer Science and Engineering Department
National Institute of Technology Calicut
Kozhikode, Kerala- 673601
Email: dhanyamol_p170019cs@nitc.ac.in
Research Interests:
Graph Theory and Algorithms
Graph Modification problems
Parameterized Algorithms & Complexity
Academic Background:
- PhD (On-going), CSED, NIT Calicut India
- M.Tech, Computer Science and Engineering, SCT College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram, India
- B.Tech, Computer Science and Engineering, RIT Kottayam, India
Research Supervisor
- Antony, D, Garchar J, Pal S, Sandeep RB, Sen S, Subashini R. 2021. On subgraph complementation to H-free graphs, June 24. WG 2021, Warsaw Poland
- On subgraph complementation to H-free graphs, June 24. WG 2021, Warsaw Poland. Video